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I've been on a Smoothie Kick

I needed to get my eating under control. A new medication + the death of my father=lots of eating, which didn't make me feel guilty at all. On the contrary, I felt I was doing something subversive and therefore empowering by eating and yes, gaining weight without caring. And then...I couldn't fit in all my clothes. If I had the money for a new wardrobe, it wouldn't be a problem. I went from sizes 4 and 6 to sizes 8 and 10. (I can still fit into most of those 6s, but they are skin tight and not very flattering.) My running and exercise routine was further hampered by my weight gain. I could feel the extra weight in every movement, and my pace tanked.

So when I got an email asking if I wanted some free protein mix as an Everlast ambassador, I was like "Yes, please!" I've been using Everlast Pro Vegan Protein Mix for about a week now, and I love it. First, it fills me up for hours! That's a major accomplishment, since I was pretty sure I had a bottomless pit for a stomach.And, my clothes are already getting a smidge looser, which might have equal parts to do with not eating as much and making better choices later in the day because I don't want to ruin the good feeling I have when I start my day with good nutrition, i.e. Everlast Pro Vegan Protein.

So far it's been great in my smoothies, and I want to try making protein pancakes and pudding with it. Some nutrition info: 22g of pea, rice, and hemp protein, 110 calories, 2 carbs. It smells just like cake mix. I use in in my blender, but when I tried just blending it in a glass with water, it did pretty well. I keep meaning to get a shaker bottle. I've made a few short videos to show what I put in my smoothies, but first!

Check out some peer-reviewed goodness because I teach college writing + am a huge nerd and research everything.

From the abstract for

"Vegan proteins may reduce risk of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease by promoting increased glucagon activity" by McCarty, M.F, Medical Hypotheses, 1999, 53:6 (no, this is not in MLA or APA style. I'll fix it later, mmk?)

"Amino acids modulate the secretion of both insulin and glucagon; the composition of dietary protein therefore has the potential to influence the balance of glucagon and insulin activity. Soy protein, as well as many other vegan proteins, are higher in non-essential amino acids than most animal-derived food proteins, and as a result should preferentially favor glucagon production. Acting on hepatocytes, glucagon promotes (and insulin inhibits) cAMP-dependent mechanisms that down-regulate lipogenic enzymes and cholesterol synthesis, while up-regulating hepatic LDL receptors and production of the IGF-I antagonist IGFBP-1. The insulin-sensitizing properties of many vegan diets--high in fiber, low in saturated fat--should amplify these effects by down-regulating insulin secretion. Additionally, the relatively low essential amino acid content of some vegan diets may decrease hepatic IGF-I synthesis. Thus, diets featuring vegan proteins can be expected to lower elevated serum lipid levels, promote weight loss, and decrease circulating IGF-I activity. The latter effect should impede cancer induction (as is seen in animal studies with soy protein), lessen neutrophil-mediated inflammatory damage, and slow growth and maturation in children. In fact, vegans tend to have low serum lipids, lean physiques, shorter stature, later puberty, and decreased risk for certain prominent 'Western' cancers; a vegan diet has documented clinical efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis. Low-fat vegan diets may be especially protective in regard to cancers linked to insulin resistance--namely, breast and colon cancer--as well as prostate cancer..."


And here's a little info from the creators: Everlast Vegan Protein is easier to digest over the traditional whey proteins, delivers a complete BCAA profile using the highest grade blend of yellow pea, rice and hemp proteins to promote lean muscle growth and recovery, and is lactose, gluten, sugar, hormone, GMO and cholesterol free.

If you want some, use the code FORTHEENDORPHINS to get a discount at

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