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Camp NaNoWriMo

Remember my first post? Yeah. I am throwing myself into the summer version of National Novel Writing Month. Camp is different from the big event in November in two main ways. 1) Participants don't have to write a 50k word novel (but this still makes one a "rebel" in Nano parlance). 2) Participants are grouped into "cabins" of up to 12 people. I chose to be grouped with people around my age (trying to avoid the fanfiction), and it seems that most of my cabin mates are revising or finishing fiction. I am working on hybrid project which includes memoir vignettes told comic style. I set my word count goal at 20,000. One of the mates seems to be working on a non-fiction history of comics. Another has actually published graphic novels, so maybe I'll give able to get feedback from people who know the genre. The built-in communication system for camp is a message board that caps replies and comments at 250 characters, Twitter style. Frustrating, but maybe also useful. Harder to put my foot in my mouth if I have to think so hard about phrasing. I have put myself in cheerleader/teacher/ camp counselor role by asking questions and replying on this board. I inadvertently took on responsibilities for virtual write-ins (which not many people seem interested in, thank you insert-deity-of-choice), word wars, and other motivating activities. I am going to see if my cabin mates will find incentive in digital badges, which I've explored a bit in revising my composition class (more about that soon! I am so excited!) I also have posted on the main Nanowrimo forums and signed up for a postcard swap with other participants. I am hoping that by motivating and encouraging others, I motivate and encourage myself. Tomorrow's the first day! Send some good energy my way!

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